Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our boys sure are awesome

Jonah got a sweet sucker from momma. But he got a little too excited and was swinging it around and smashed it on the bouncer then said "sorry Momma, mess"

The Jude telling me how offended he is that I dared put him down in is bouncer, he is supposed to be held 24/7.

Except here he is temporarily ok with setting by himself, giving Aunt Sara a smile.

and man-oh-man does The Jonah love his Jude.

we just renewed our memberships to the living planet aquarium so Jonah could run all over and check stuff out. He likes the spiders the best, this Cayman was cool too.

Jonah helped me tend cousin Isaac and Ella, Isaac has this sweet guitar and Jonah will probably need one. 


Aimee said...

These boys are so dang cute!!

Bren said...

Jude's hair is AWESOME in the bouncer pic! We need to come hold that boy!