Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jonah is such a little skunk!

Jonah sure had fun painting! He's such a little
monkey. I'm pretty sure he got more paint on
himself then on the paper. Who needs paper when you have yourself to paint on. Its way better to paint on your self I guess. Then after
a while Jonah decided it was getting too boring just
painting on himself and the paper so he decided
it would be fun to paint the carpet. Yeah I figured
well it says its washable. Hhm yeah don't always believe what the label says. Pretty sure thats never coming out of the carpet. Good thing we
planning on taking that carpet out in a few weeks anyway and replacing it with tile. So for all I care Jonah can paint on that carpet all he wants. Its going in the garbage. Yay.


Dylan, Darci and Jonah said...

We should probably stop calling him "our skunk" since he thinks its his name now...

Jimmy, Cassie and Family said...

I say let him go at it. It sounds like fun to me!

nic said...

Pretty adorable, he's obviously a budding artist.