Monday, November 1, 2010

such a slacker (April 10th 2011)

I never update this anymore (this is Dylan). Between work, working on my stupid house and the on-going process of learning how to be a good husband and father, I just never find the time/desire to.

But this is a good reason to update....

Remember that "growth" I said Darci had about 2 1/2 years ago? well its back...well I guess its not 'Back' but she does have another one i.e. a baby in her tummy.

She is due April 10th but we were pretty much keeping it a secret until we knew what we were having. Darci and I both were sort of expecting a girl this time and were already working with Jonah about his "little sister". But we found out last Friday that its another boy, which is also great, just confusing to Jonah because now we've switched to "little brother".

Jonah doesn't quite have it all figured out yet, if you ask him were the baby is, its usually still him, in his belly or in my belly his and mommas belly.
So when we say "no, you're the big boy, where's the baby?" he'll stick out his gut realll far and point to his bellybutton. He will always eventually point to mommas belly so he is probably just teasing us.

We had to go to Fetal Fotos again...because we went for Jonah and because Darci couldn't wait for the next Dr visit to find out. After we were able to tell what we were having I was thinking how thats probably the only situation where "scrotum" is the key point of a conversation and is not something really bad or really funny...or both


Misty said...

Congratulations you two. You're going to have a lot of fun with two boys.

Aimee said...

ha ha, that's awesome. On so many levels. Mostly that Jonah will be a big brother; but, also that you're talking about scrotum on your blog with a straight face. love you guys!

The Lovells said...

So true about the scrotum. Congrats on another little boy. Brindi is the same way when we ask her where the baby is. She insists that mommy, daddy, and her all have babies in our guts. I guess I better get on a diet:)