Wednesday, February 17, 2010

zheesh...(and some thoughts on one year)

I've decided that the "cutsie-scrapbook" look of our blog is a deterrent for me in actually updating or posting anything to it...

I really wouldn't mind as much I think if my wifie would post stuff here once in a while...but she does not, so every time I look it's just posts by me...on this buttons-and-string blog page.

It's probably doing permanent damage to my self-image...


Jonah is going to be 1 this Saturday, already a whole year since that little monkey showed up and eradicated any chance of me retaining my selfish, jerk-store persona that took so long to cultivate (implied sarcasm added for emphasis).

It was virtually nonexistent after the life-altering event that was, and continues to be, Darcito mae; and once he was here it pushed me over the edge I was skating of "sort-of-adjust-things-a-little" change to the "crap-I-am-actually-completely-responsible-for-another-human-now" kind of change.

Along with that change came the odd realization and acceptance that all the stupid and dangerous things I used to do when I was younger (and not so younger)...were in fact, stupid and dangerous.

Yeah, Yeah, my parents, teachers, scout leaders, cops, judges and occasional random passerby's were right..blah blah blah.

There's no need to go into specific detail to describe how drastically my definition of "stupid and dangerous" has changed, just that the list in my head of things I've done that I would admit to being "stupid-and-dangerous" at least doubled. And yes I would prefer it if Jonah did none of things on that list.

Both these things were all that was going on in my head during the first 2-10 seconds of Jonahs' life, although I could blame it on the fact that I had been awake without food for 30 hours or so at that point.

I had planned on teasing Darci and telling the Dr and Nurse that his name would be Jacombsie when they asked, but I was a bit preoccupied and stuck with the name we sort of agreed on in the weeks before of Jonah L

Overall the 20+ hours of labor were and still are very worth it, at least to me, but I didn't do much of the work either. it really seems like it was just a few weeks ago.

so Happy Birthday to Jonah-roni, he sure is fun


The Lovells said...

Do not feel to bad. Sometime I feel like I am pulling teeth trying to get Celeste to post on the blog instead of me.d She is pretty good though. Happy B-day to Jonah. And I just want to mention I am in the same boat as you with stupid things done in the past. I remember several things with you by my side that were really dangerous. Hopefully our kids will not follow in our footsteps but a small part of me keeps saying "Yay, but boy did we have fun:)"

nic said...

Jonah is a cute little dude, I am so glad we made it to his birthday party. Hopefully he won't act too much like his Pop during the teenage years, right