Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Jonah was so excited about his Easter basket!
He is reaching for his delicious Oreos. He loves oreos. He wanted to eat them for breakfast.

He was telling Pappa to open his yummy blueberries
Blueberries are probably Jonahs favorite food. He
has this funny excited laugh whenever you show him blueberries.
If we let him he could eat the whole container in one sitting.

His red fire truck. He is really into cars right now.
He pushes his cars around and up and down on walls
and makes the sound effects... vroom vroom vroom.

Haha this is a good one! This is the head band I
use to pull my hair back when I wash my face and for
some reason Jonah loves this head band. He is always pulling
it out of the drawer and playing with it. So we thought it would
be funny to put it on him. haha so cute.

Showing the camera his green hand from coloring
his Easter egg.

1 comment:

nic said...

He looks like a little rocker with that headband. He is so cute with his Easter basket, I love that bed head. What a cutie!