Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hehe Jonah was so cute. He wasn't sure what
to do with this giant cupcake. We tried to show
him but he was like uum I don't think so.. I think maybe
he just didn't like that everyone was staring at
him when he was trying to eat.

Papa showing him its okay to just dig in. hehe.

We cant believe Jonah is already One!! Time sure
has just flown by. Jonah has grown up so fast. He is so
freakin cute. He is jabbering so much these days. He already
says a ton, he can say Hello, Mama, banana- na balloon- ba
He doesn't really have those two words down yet but getting close.
He tries to say light. He can tell you where your nose is.
He purrs like a cat, he moos like a cow and he roars like a lion
He really is just loads of fun to be around. He does something
new everyday and it is so fun to watch what he is going to do next.
Finally I think he got the hang of it, but he still didn't
get to crazy about it.

1 comment:

nic said...

He is such a cutie! And way to go on that cute birthday cake Darci, that was pretty fancy. Jonah probably thought it was too pretty to eat.